Proceedings in Linguistics.T. 3. Languages ​​and literature of the North

USSR.Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route.Proceedings in Linguistics / Glavsevmorput in SNK.Research Association of the Institute of Northern Peoples.Smidovich.- Moscow;Leningrad: Uchpedgiz, 1934-1937.-Nadzagolovki: Volume 1, 5-6 (1937) Glavsevmorput at SNK.Research Association of the Institute of Northern Peoples.Smidovich;Volume 3 (1934) - 4 vol.1 (1935) Research Association of the Institute of the North Central Electoral Committee of the of publication: Volume 1 (1933) 3 (1934), 5-6 (1937), Moscow-Leningrad;T. 4 vol.1 (1935) Leningrad.Publishers: Volume 1 (1937), 3 (1934), 5-6 (1937) Uchpedgiz;T. 4 vol.1 (1935) Publisher of the North Central Electoral Committee of the USSR..I. Institute of Peoples of the North (Leningrad).Research assotsiatsiya.1.Russian (collection).2. The area (collection).3. The people (set).4. Domestic serials and serials (collection).5. Linguistics - Collections.6. Paleo-Asiatic languages ​​- Collections.7. The people of the North-East of Russia - Collections.BBK 81ya54LBC 63,521 (= 753) ya54electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: Ugra State LibraryVolume 3: Languages ​​and literature of the North / edited by J. P. Alcor;edited by EA Kreinovich.Ch 3, Languages ​​and literature Paleo-Asiatic peoples.- 1934. -238, IV, [2] with 1 l..yl., 1 liter.. To: Table, IL .. -.Part of the text on the Aleut and English.Bibliography in the text and footnotes..I. Alcor, Jan P. (linguist, ethnographer, 1900-1938).II.Kreinovich, Yerukh Abramovich (1906-1985) .1.Russian (collection).2. The people (set).3. The area (collection).4. Domestic serials and serials (collection).5. Paleo-Asiatic languages ​​- Collections.6. The people of the North-East of Russia - Collections.LBC 63,521 (= 753) ya54electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: TIAMZ
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