Creation and development of operational Komsomol detachments of combatants in the USSR

Reshmet, Dmitry Alexandrovich (candidate of historical sciences).
Creation and development of operational Komsomol detachments of vigilantes in the USSR: (1954-1991): the dissertation author's abstract on the competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.02 / Reshmet Dmitriy Aleksandrovich; [Cuban. state. un-t]. - Slavyansk-on-Kuban, 2016. -31 p. ; 21 cm. -
Place of protection: Cuban. state. un-t. - List of works avt .: p. 30-31 (12th name). - Bibliograf. in a substring. Notes .. - As a manuscript.
1. Power (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Year volunteer (volunteer) in Russia (collection). 4. Russian history. 5. Komsomol operational detachments of vigilantes - the USSR - Abstracts of dissertations.
BKK 63.3 (2) 63-284.2я031
Source of electronic copy: KubSU. Website
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