The order of the throne of the throne in Russia from the founding of the Russian state to the now successfully reigning emperor ...

Andreev, Nikolai IvanovichThe order of the throne of the throne in Russia from the founding of the Russian state to the now successfully reigning emperor Alexander II-th: indicating the genealogy: 1) the Ryurikovich houses and 2) Romanov’s house and with the exact indication of all the main events of the Russian state: the table book of the chronology necessary for the leadership of everyone: everyone:nobleman, commoner and scientist / [province.Secretary Nikolai Ivanovich Andreev].- Moscow: Type.T. Rice, 1874. -35, [1] p., [6] l.Portr.;24 cm. -Aut.indicated at the end of the text..1. Alexander II (IMP.; 1818-1881).2. Rurikovich.3. Romanovs.4. History.Historical sciences - auxiliary historical disciplines - genealogy - Russia - ruling dynasties - Romanovs - genealogies.5. History.Historical sciences - Russia - Romanovs - reference publication.BBK T214 (2) -1romanovs. I2BBK T3 (2) 0-8Manovs.Electronic copy source: RSL
Publisher тип. Т. Рис