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Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) Branch of the Russian Language and LiteratureNews of the Imperial Academy of Sciences for the separation of the Russian language and literature -T 1-10 -Sank -Petersburg: in the printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1852-1863 -Title: 1852–1863 - news of the Imperial Academy of Sciences on the separation of the Russian language and literature;1896–1916 - news of the branch of the Russian language and the literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences;1917–1927 - news of the branch of the Russian language and literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences;1928–1930 - news of the Russian language and literature;1930–1938 - news of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Department of Social Sciences;1940–1963 - news of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Department of Literature and Language;1963–1991 - news of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR series of literature and language;1992– - Izvestia of the Russian Academy of Sciences Series of Literature and LanguageThe news of the Imperial Academy of Sciences for the separation of the Russian language and literature - the printed body of the Russian language department and the literature of the Academy of Sciences was founded in 1852, was released until 1863 and then renewed in 1896 were published by issues (6 issues a year) or sheets (24 sheets fromThe additions were one volume) under the "Izvestia" , the additions of the "additions" were released with the "additions" , 10 volumes of Izvestia appeared on the initiative and Sreznevsky, which was their editor in "additions" monuments and samples of the people's language and the literature of the Russians and the literature of the Russian and the literature of the Russians and the literature of the RussianWestern Slavs "and" Materials for the dictionary of the comparative and explanatory "in the publication of the magazine took part: and the 10ths of the East, Knemsky, I am to the grotto, Pa Lavrovsky, B and Grigorovich, and Davydov, with Shevyrev, and F Gilferdig,P and Pletnev, in and Zhukovsky and othersI Sreznevsky, Izmail Ivanovich (1812-1880) 1 Russian language (collection) 2 domestic serial and ongoing publications (collection) 3 linguistics-Russia-periodicals 4 literary criticism-Russia-19 in-periodicalsBBK 81y52BBK 833 (2) 52y52Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: RSPU they and HerzenT 5 POP 3, L 9/12 - Type of Imp Acadus of Sciences, 1856 - [76] C -Contents: Historical readings about language and literature: Review of the editorial offices of the Kiev-Pechersky Pateric, mainly ancient / [Op] horde of Acad Macaria, Bishop Vinnitsa Bibliographic Notes on New Books / [Soch] II SreznevskyList of meetings of the application department to protocols: about the introduced boyar of the VK John III, Ivan Kondratievich Sudimont / [Soch] Am Korkunov about a simple and convenient way to have a large volume libraries / [Soch] PM Stroev, [and others] - bibliogre in the substrate and in the substrate and intextElectronic copy source: PB
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