Honorary citizens of the Tosnensky district visited the Presidential Library

29 March 2024

On March 29, 2024, honorary citizens of the municipal formation Tosnensky district of Leningrad Region went on an excursion to the Presidential Library, and then held a council meeting at which they discussed the development of the library network of the Tosnensky district, as well as possible areas of cooperation with the country’s largest electronic national library.

The council of honorary citizens of the municipal formation Tosnensky district of Leningrad Region is headed by Ivan Filippovich Khabarov, who is also an Honorary citizen of Leningrad region.

On behalf of Director General of the Presidential Library, the director of the department for scientific and educational work, Igor Viktorovich Solonko, greeted the honorary citizens.

As part of the tour of the Presidential Library, guests saw the restored interiors of the Holy Synod, as well as the columned hall and multimedia transforming hall, equipped with modern equipment, created for all-Russian and international events, learned about the exhibition displays and visited the Constitution Hall, where the only copy of the Constitution is located, where the president of the country takes the oath upon taking office.

In the electronic reading room, visitors were told about how to deal with the resources of the Presidential Library, how the collection on the history of Russian statehood is formed and what digitized materials are presented in it. The library's collections, which exceed a million depository items, contains books and periodicals, newsreels, photographs, scientific and educational films, dissertation abstracts, archival documents and materials on the history of Russian statehood, the theory and practice of law, and the Russian language in digital form.

Among the materials there are photographs and postcards telling about the history and sights of the Tosno land.

This and other photographic materials dedicated to the Tosnensky district are available in the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library on Senate Square, 3, in the Reserve Center in Moscow, a branch of the library in Tyumen Region, as well as in more than 1,600 centers of remote access to library resources opened on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

It is worth noting that the Presidential Library closely cooperates with Leningrad Region - a cooperation agreement was concluded back in 2014. Today, remote reading rooms of the library operate in the Archive Department of Leningrad Region, in the Leningrad Regional Universal Scientific Library. About 30 more centers of remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library are open in the municipal districts of the region, of which three centers of remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library are open in Tosno - at the municipal government cultural institution "Tosno inter-settlement centralized library system", as well as in gymnasium № 2 and secondary school № 1.

The Presidential Library’s portal features Leningrad Region and Leningrad Region: Pages of History collections, which illustrate the history and development of the region.