"Orthography" of Glavnauka

Maltsev, Mikhail    
"Orthography" Glavnauky / Mikhail Maltsev, Rev. Belgorod Pedagogical College. - Belgorod: [Type. them. IN AND. Lenin Publishing House "Belgor. Truth"], 1930. - 12 p. -
Ex: without tit. l .; def .: on with. 11-12 part of the text is lost. - 1000 copies. .
1. The RSFSR. The main management of scientific institutions. 2. Russian language (collection). 3. The people (the collection). 4. Reform of Russian spelling - Projects - 1930.
ББК 70л
ББК 81.411.2-65г
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher [Тип. им. В.И. Ленина изд-ва "Белгор. правда"]
Catalogue object