AP Ermolov in 1827 at a party with my father in Orel

Burnashev, Vladimir Petrovich (1810-1888).    
AP Ermolov in 1827 at a party with my father in Orel: (from "Memoirs of the extreme youth of the Petersburg old-timer") / [Vlad. (Petr.) Burnashev]. - [B. m., between 1827 and 1888]. - 6 sheets. -
The author is listed at the end of the text.
Printed text on one side of the sheet.
1. Ermolov, Alexei Petrovich (1777 - 1861). 2. Territory of Russia: Orel Region (collection). 3. Orel region: pages of history (collection). 4. The people (the collection). 5. Orel region - History.
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Орл)
The source of the electronic copy: Орловская ОНУПБ
Location on the book: Орловская ОНУПБ
Catalogue object