Constitutional legal regulation of the system of local self-government bodies

Tikhaleva, Elena Yurievna (Candidate of Legal Sciences).    
Constitutional legal regulation of the system of local self-government bodies: the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of the Candidate of Juridical Sciences: specialty 12.00.02 / Tikhaleva Elena Yuryevna; [Orlov. state. un-t; Place of protection: Belgorod. state. nat. Issled. un-t]. - Belgorod, 2013. - 24 p. -
Protection: Belgorod. state. nat. Issled. un-t. - Bibliography: p. 21-23 (17 titles) and in the footnote. note.
. - ISBN 100 .
1. Power (collection). 2. Constitutional law; constitutional litigation; municipal law. 3. Bodies of local self-government - Activity - Legal regulation - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations.
BBC 66.3 (2Ros), 124y031
BBK 67.400.7я031
Source of the electronic copy: NIU "BelGU". Website
ISBN 100
Catalogue object