Literature of Russian geography, ethnography and statistics. for 1879 and 1880. T. 9

  Mezhov, Vladimir Izmailovich  (1830-1894).    
Literature of Russian geography, ethnography and statistics: [T. 1 - 9] / comp. V. I. I. Mezhov . - Sankt-Petersburg: In the printing house V. Bezobrazov and K., 1861-1883
for 1879 and 1880: T. 9: (11429 books and articles): [Year 21-22]. - 1883. - 698 p. Sec. pag. - On the tit. l. each issue. zagl .: Literature of Russian geography, statistics and ethnography for ... year .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. Russia - History - Bibliography. 5. Russia - Geography - Bibliography. 6. Russia - Statistics - Bibliography.
BBK 63.51 (2) 522y13vLBC / M
BBK 26.89 (2) i13
BBK 65.051 (2) I13
E-copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher В типографии В. Безобразова и К
Catalogue object