Names of persons in Church Slavonic Akathists

Shaporeva, Olesya Alekseevna (candidate of philological sciences).    
Names of persons in Church Slavonic Akathists: (morphemic and derivational aspects): the thesis abstract for a Candidate's Degree in Philology: specialty 10.02.01 / Shaporeva Olesya Alekseevna; [Orthodox. St. Tikhon. humanitarian. un-t; Place of protection: Mosk. state. humanitarian. un-t them. M. A. Sholokhov]. - Moscow, 2012. - 20 p. ; 21. -
Protection: Moscow. state. humanitarian. un-t them. M. A. Sholokhov. - Bibliography: p. 20 (9 titles) and in the footnote. note.
. - 100 copies. .
1. Russian language (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. The Russian language. 4. Akathists - Language and style - Abstracts of dissertations. 5. Old Slavonic language - Comparative word formation - Russian language - Abstracts of dissertations. 6. Russian language - Comparative word formation - Old Slavonic language - Abstracts of dissertations. 7. Old Slavonic language - Comparative semantics - Russian language - Abstracts of dissertations. 8. Russian language - Comparative semantics - Old Slavonic language - Abstracts of dissertations.
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