A few remarks about the use of foreign words

Brandt, Roman Fedorovich (1853-1920).    
A few remarks on the use of foreign words / speech, spoken at the annual act of the Nezhinsky Historical and Philological Institute [1882 on August 30] by Professor Roman Brandt. - [Moscow and others: b. and., 1883]. - 23 seconds. ; 27 cm. -
Bibliography in the footnotes. - Extracted from volume 8 of Izvestia of the Historical and Philological Institute of Prince Bezborodko in Nizhyn .
I. Nezhinsky Historical and Philological Institute. Bezborodko. Russian language (collection). 2. Russian language - Borrowings - Lectures, reports, etc. ..
ББК 81.411.2-32я7-2
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher б. и.
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