About trades for the Caspian Sea of ​​ancient middle and modern times

Soymonov, Fedor Ivanovich (1682 - 1780).    
About the auctions for the Caspian Sea of ​​ancient middle and new times / Written from the journal of His Excellency Mr. mister of the mystery adviser, senator and the Order of the Holy Alexander Chevalier Fyodor Ivanovich Soimanov, and from the conference secretary, professor of history and historiography, G. F Miller. - Moscow: Published under the Moscow Government Senate Departments, 1765. - [6], 74 pp., 2 p. to.; 8. -
In part 3, entitled "About the ways for the Caspian Sea of ​​modern times in the reign of Emperor Peter the Great", there are extensive excerpts from the work of GF Miller "On Pesachnoy Gold", published in the journal "Works and Translations, to the benefit and amusement of employees, "1760 January, p. 3 - 54; February, p. 99 - 136 .
I. Miller, Gerard Friedrich (1705-1783). II. Senate Printing House (Moscow) .1. Territory (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. The Caspian region (collection). 4. Development of foreign trade in Russia: history and current status (collection). 5. Foreign trade - History - Russia. 6. The Caspian Sea - Sea Routes. 7. Russia - Foreign Policy - Caspian Region.
BBC 63.3 (285) 512-6
ББК 63.3 (285) 513-6
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher Печатано при Московских Правительствующаго сената департаментах
Catalogue object