Review of the activities of zemstvo medical institutions in the counties of Penza province for 1896

Gavrilov, Timofey Evgrafovich (1855-).    
Review of the activities of zemstvo medical institutions in the counties of the Penza province for 1896 / [op.] TE Gavrilova; Sanitary-statistical department of the Penza provincial zemstvo council. - Penza: Typical lithography of VN Umnov, 1897. - 56 p. ; 22 centimeters .
I. The Penza Provincial Zemstvo Board. Sanitary and statistical department.1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Penza region (collection). 4. Penza region: pages of history (collection). 5. Penza provincial zemstvo - Activities. 6. Zemsky medical aid - Penza province.
BBK 63.3 (28-8Pen) 531
BBK 51.1 (28-8Pen)
The source of electronic copy: Penza Oblast. The location of the original: Penza OB
Publisher типо-литография В. Н. Умнова
Catalogue object