Description |
A detailed description of the solemn orders of the successful entry into the reigning city of Moscow and the most sacred crowning of its most august imperial majesty, the most distinguished lady of the great empress, the empress Elisaveta Petrovna, the autocrats of the All-Russian, the entry of February 28, the crowning of April 25, 1742. - Санктпетербург: печ. at the Imperial Academy. Sciences, 1744. - [2], 168 pp., [1] f. front., 49 liters. yl, pl. - Grav. tit. l. Simultaneously with the publication in Russian. yaz. Work was underway to publish the book. on it., Fr. and lat. Grav. Nos. 1, 2 (1), 3 and 4 exist in two states: before the signature and with the engraver's signature G. Kachalov, grav. № 5 - with the signature: "Gryad Ivan Sokolov" - with the signature: "J. E. Grimmel delin. - Gryad Ivan Sokolov." First. circulation - 600 copies. "For flaws occurring" additionally baked. 50 copies Izd. under the general supervision of N. Yu. Trubetskoi. Ya. Shtahelin, IK Taubert, architect I. Ya. Schumacher and draftsman I. E. Grimmel were employed as consultants. Portr. Elizaveta Petrovna, on orig. L. Caravac, executed in a black manner I. Shtenglinym, all gravel. - IA Sokolov, GA Kachalov and H. A. Wortman
1. Elizabeth Petrovna (Empress of Russia, 1709-1761) - Coronation. 2. Russia in the faces. collection. 3. Power. collection. |
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