Essay on the phenomena of war in the view of the commander on the letters of Napoleon for the summer and autumn of 1813

  Nechvolodov, Alexander Dmitrievich  (1864-1938).    
An outline of the phenomena of war in the view of the commander on the letters of Napoleon for the summer and autumn of 1813: From the portraits. Napoleon and seven cards / A. Nechvolodov. - Warsaw: ed. with the help of Military. com. Ch. Staff, 1894. - [4], VIII, 112 p., 1 l. front. (portrait), 7 liters. kart. ; 27th .
1. Napoleon I (the Emperor of France, 1769 - 1821) - Correspondence. 2. Patriotic War of 1812 (collection). 3. Patriotic War - Military operations - 1812. 4. Foreign campaigns of Russian troops - 1813 - 1814.
ББК 63.3 (2) 521.1-686
ББК 63.3 (4Фра) 521.2-8
E-copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher изд. при пособии Воен.-учеб. ком. Гл. штаба
Catalogue object