Problems of the historical and cultural context in the scientific biography of Alexander Pushkin

Berezkina, Svetlana Veniaminovna (Doctor of Philology).    
Problems of the historical and cultural context in the scientific biography of Alexander Pushkin: the dissertation author's abstract on the scientific degree of Doctor of Philology: specialty 10.01.01 / Berezkina Svetlana Veniaminovna; [Institute of Russian. lit. (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. - Tomsk, 2010. - 37 p. ; 21 cm .. - ). -
Location of protection: Tom. state. un-t. - Bibliography: p. 35-37 (35th title) and in the footnote. - As a manuscript.
. - 100 copies. .
1. Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich (1799 - 1837) - Biography - Abstracts of dissertations. 2. Russian language (collection). 3. AS Pushkin (collection). 4. Russian literature.
BBC 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52-8 Pushkin, AS, 2я031
Source of the electronic copy: TSU. Website
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