Regional conditions for the reproduction of peasant generations in Siberia (1861-1917).

Zverev, Vladimir Alexandrovich (1949-).    
Regional conditions for the reproduction of peasant generations in Siberia (1861-1917): textbook / VA Zverev; M-in Society. and prof. Education Ros. Federation, Novosib. state. ped. un-t. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 1998. - 92 p. ; 20 cm. -
Bibliography in footnotes at the end of chapters and in footnotes.
. - ISBN 5-85921-108-2 .
1. The people (the collection). 2. History. 3. The peasantry - Siberia - 1861 - 1930 - Educational publications. 4. Russia. 5. Demographic processes - Siberia - Educational publications. 6. The period of capitalism (1861-1917). 7. The peasantry. 8. Siberia. 9. Textbook for high school. 10. Demographics. 11. Population. 12. 1861-1917. 13. Rural population. 14. Textbook for high school. 15. The peasantry - Siberia - 19 in ..
(2) 5-283
ББК 63.3 (2) 5- (2) 5-283.9. 282.2я7
ББК 60.73 (2) 5я7
Source of electronic copy: Novosibirsk state. ped. un-t
Original filing location: Новосибирский гос. ped. un-t
ISBN 5-85921-108-2
Publisher Издательство Новосибирского государственного педагогического университета
Catalogue object