Russian verb

Garbel, Adolf (1864-1902).    
Russian verb: (Conjugation, stress and verb control) / Comp. Adolf Garbel, lecturer of Russian. yaz. at the King. Berl. polytechnical. Institute with the participation of dr. V. Kerner, prof. The King. Berl. military. Acad., P. Pervova, Rev. Moscow. Lazarev. Institute. - Berlin: The Langenschedeyd; St. Petersburg ; Moscow: M.O. Wolf, censorship. [1901]; cens. [1901] (St. Petersburg :). - [4], XII, 205 with. ; 27. - (Original method "Toussaint-Langenscheidt"). -
Par. tit. l. On him.
Dep. ot. .
I. Kerner, V. .. II. Pervov, Pavel Dmitrievich (1860-1929) .1. Russian language (collection). 2. Russian language - Verb - Directories.
ББК 81.411.2-2я2
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher Лангеншейдтское кн-во т-во М.О. Вольф
Catalogue object