Mortality, fertility and marriage statistics for the city of Saratov for 1886

  Buchovtsev, Ivan Nikitich  (1841-).    
Statistics of mortality, fertility and marriages in the city of Saratov for 1886 / [соч.] Д-ра мед. I. Buhovtseva. - [St. Petersburg]: the steamy soon-printed Yablonsky and Perott, [1887]. - С. .: 150-199, [1] л. diag. ; 24. -
Ott. from the "Vestnik of Forensic Medicine", 1887, vol. 4. - Without tit. l. and obl. .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Population - Movement - Saratov, city - 19 in ..
ББК 63.3 (28-8Сар) 52-28ю13
E-copy source: PB
Place of origin: MSU
Publisher паровая скоропечатня Яблонский и Перотт
Catalogue object