Decree on the enrollment of the foot Cossack Pavel Serebryonikova on the salary salary instead of his dead father, in whose plac...

      Tyumen Province Chancellery.
Decree on the enrollment of the pedestrian Cossack Pavel Serebryonikov on the salary salary instead of his dead father, in whose place he turned to the Cossacks: 1706-1706. - 1 sheet. - (Tyumen Voivodeship Chancellery Fund, Inventory No. 1). -
Handwritten text. Cursive. Ink.
The decree on the enrollment of the pedestrian Cossack on salary salary instead of his deceased father .
1. Tyumen Province Chancellery - Documents and materials. 2. Power (collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. The people (the collection). 5. Cossacks - Military service - Documents and materials. 6. Siberian Cossacks - History - 18th c. - Documents and materials. 7. Tobolsk category - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (285.3) 511-35y11
Source of electronic copy: Gos. archive of the Tyumen region
Location on map of the original: archive of the Tyumen region. F. I-47. Op. 1. D. 149.
Catalogue object