The church policy of Peter I in the Russian historiography of the XIX - early XX centuries.

Kienkov, Alexey Alexandrovich (candidate of historical sciences).    
The church policy of Peter I in the Russian historiography of the XIX - early XX centuries. : the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.09 / Kienkov Alexey Alexandrovich; [Moscow time. state. reg. humanitarian. in-t; Place of protection: Ros. un-t friendship of peoples]. - Moscow, 2013. - 24 p. ; 21. -
Bibliograf. in a substring. Notes .. - List of works avt .: p. 23 (4 names). - Res. in English. .
. - 80 copies. copies. .
1. Peter I (the emperor of Russia, 1672 - 1725) - Historiography of the Russian - con. 18 - beginning. 20 centuries. - Abstracts of dissertations. 2. Power (collection). 3. Russia in the faces (collection). 4. Historiography, source study and methods of historical research. 5. Church reforms - Russian-Russian historiography - 18th century. - Abstracts of Dissertations.
ББК 63.1 (2) 5я031
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