An alphabetical list of owners of private lands designated on the 10 verst map of the Stavropol province, comp. in 1896 under th...

An alphabetical list of owners of private lands designated on the 10 verst map of the Stavropol province, comp. in 1896 under the Stavropol provincial drawing room under instructions and under the direct supervision of His Excellency G. Stavropol governor, Major-General NE Nikiforaki. - Stavropol: Type. Lips. 1896. - [2], 61 p. ; 26 centimeters .
I. Nikiforaki, N.E. Territory of Russia: Stavropol Territory (collection). 2. Stavropol Territory: pages of history (collection).
ББК 63.3 (28-8Ста) 53
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Location of original copy: РГБ
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