The Vladimir Diocese

Vladimir Diocese [Maps]: map-scheme: as of January 1, 2006 / Rus. Orthodox. church (Moscow Patriarchate); sci. hands. saint. about. Sergius Minin; Ed. V.M. Nekrasov. - [B. m-ba]. - Vladimir: NIVA, 2006. - 1 к.: Color, decree. ; 96 x 68. - Contents: List of parishes in the temples and chapels of the Vladimir diocese; Educational institutions of the Vladimir diocese; Monasteries of the Vladimir diocese .
1. Russian Orthodox Church. Vladimir Diocese - Maps. 2. Orthodox churches and cathedrals of Russia - Vladimir region - Maps. 3. Monasteries - Vladimir region - Maps. 4. General geographic maps are medium-scale maps. 5. Thematic maps.
ББК Кр.86.372.24-6
ББК 86.372я64
ББК 63.3 (28-8Вла-2Владимир) 5-37я64
The source of electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB
The original storage: Владимирская ОУНБ
Publisher Нива
Catalogue object