Description |
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich
Memories (1859-1917): [in 2 tons] / PN Milyukov; [comp. and aut. entry. Art. M. G. Vandalkovskaya, comment. Shakhanova AN]
. - Moscow: Contemporary, 1990
T. 2:
[1907-1917]. - 1990. - 445, [1] p. - Bibliograf. in the note: p. 343-383. - Decree. Names .: with. 384-444. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-270-01155-7
1. Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859 - 1943) - Memoirs, notes, etc. 2. Power (collection). |
ББК 66.1 (2) 53-18 ББК 63.3 (2) 53-8Milyukov, P.N.
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