State legal regulation of the Russian credit system in the 1920s

  Pashin, Alexey Vasilyevich      
State legal regulation of the credit system of Russia in the 1920s: the author's abstract of the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Juridical Sciences: specialty 12.00.01 / Pashin Aleksey Vasilievich; [Course. state. tech. un-t]. - Moscow, 2009. - 31 p. ; 21. - Place of protection: Mosk. state. jurid. acad. - Bibliography: p. 29-31 (13th name) and in the footnote. note. - 170 copies. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Financial and credit system - the USSR - 1920's. - Abstracts of Dissertations.
1. Russia, the jurist. science
ББК 65.262.1я031
ББК 67.402.4-1я031
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