The state and the church in their mutual relations in the Moscow state from the Florentine Union to the establishment of the pat...

  Shpakov, Alexey Yakovlevich  (1868-1928).    
The state and the church in their mutual relations in the Moscow State from the Florentine Union to the establishment of the patriarchate: the reign of Vasily Vasilyevich Temnago / A. Ya. Shpakov  .- Kiev: Type. The Imperial University of St. Vladimir Akts. Islands of the Pech. and ed. the case of NT Korchak-Novitskago, 1904  .- 24 cm
Part 1 - 1904 .- [3], XXXV, 263 with. .- Bibliograf. in the note. .
1. Florentine Union (1439) 2. church and state
ББК Т3 (2) 44-55,02
ББК Э372.24-344-021.5,0
ББК 63.3 (2) 43-37
Source: RSL
Publisher Тип. Императорскаго ун-та св. Владимира Акц. о-ва печ. и изд. дела Н. Т. Корчак-Новицкаго
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