Life and glorious deeds of the Emperor Peter the Great, the autocrat of the All-Russia. Part 1

  Orpelin, Zahariye  (1726-1785).    
Life and glorious deeds of the Emperor Peter the Great, the autocrat of the All-Russia: With the assumption [!] Of a brief geographical and political history of the Russian kingdom: Nowadays, the first in the Slavic language was written off and published . - In Venice: In the printing house of Dimitry Theodosius, 1772 . - 4 ° cm
Part 1. - [20], 400 c. .
1. Peter I (the emperor of Russia, 1672 - 1725). 2. Power (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 511-8Peter I
Source of electronic copy: РГБ
Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher В типографии Димитрия Феодозия
Catalogue object