Map of the Russian Empire with the designation of the Great Siberian Railway and the branch to Tomsk

Map of the Russian Empire with the designation of the Great Siberian Railway and the branch to Tomsk [Maps] = La karte de l'Empire Russe avec la Grande ligne de chemin de fer Transsiberien. - 1: 16 500 000. - [Tomsk]: Steam typo-lithography of PI Makushin, [1898]. - 1 к.: Цв., 2 доп. maps; 29x50. - Attached. to the "Guide to Siberia" VA Dolgorukov. - [Debt] from Pulkovo. - The map is wrong: Scale 116 500 000. - Extras. maps: Railway branch to Tomsk = L'embranchem. du chem. de fer a Tomsk; Longitudinal profile of the line of the Great Siberian Railway = Le profil de la Grande ligne du chemin de fer Transsiberien .
1. Siberian Railway - History - early. 20 cent. - Maps. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Tomsk region: pages of history (collection). 4. Geographic maps.
ББК 39.20 (2) 53я64
Source of electronic copy: Irkutsk OGUNB
Location on the original: Иркутская ОГУНБ
Publisher Паровая типо-литография П. И. Макушина
Catalogue object