A brief description of the life and glorious deeds of Peter the Great of the First Emperor of All-Russia.

  Allez, Pons Augustin  (1703-1785).    
A brief description of the life and glorious deeds of Peter the Great of the First Emperor of All-Russia. - St. Petersburg: N. and. b. [Dependent on Petr Bogdanovich]:: [Type. Bogdanovich], 1788. - 89 p. ; 12. - Trans. the chapter dedicated to Peter I, from v.2., "Les princes celebres qui ont regne dans le monde, depuis l'origine des monarchies et des empires jusqu'a nos jours" (Paris, 1769. P.285-328) . - SK XVIII .
1. Peter I (the emperor of Russia, 1672 - 1725). 2. Power (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 511-8Peter I
Source of electronic copy: РГБ
Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher Н. и. п. б. [на иждивении Петра Богдановича] : [Тип. Богдановича]
Catalogue object