The town of Kurisovo-Pokrovskoe (Balay tozh)

The town of Kurisovo-Pokrovskoe (Balay tozh): Statistical description of the settlement, comp. based on data obtained through a household census conducted on 28 September. - Oct 4 1882 by the Statistical Office under the Kherson Provincial Zemstvo Administration / Kherson Provincial Zemstvo Administration. Statistical Office. - Odessa: Type. P. A. Zeleny, 1883. - 93 p., 1 card. ; 23 centimeters .
BBK 26.89 (28-8Hes)
BBK 63.3 (28-8Hes) 513-9
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. П. А. Зеленого
Catalogue object