General summary of the results of the development of the Empire, the data of the first general population census, made on Januar...

General summary of the results of the development of the First General Population Census, produced on January 28, 1897 = Relevé général pour tout l'Empire des résultats du dépouillement des données du premier de la population en 1897: I-II / [foreword: H Trojnicki] . - Saint-Petersburg: steam typographic lithography NL Nyrkina, 1905 . - 2 tons. 36 cm
[T.] 2. - St. Petersburg: steam typographic lithography NL Nyrkin, 1905. - [6], LX, 417 p. - 2 tit. l. In the book. also: Overview of digital data / [comp.]: S. Patkanov, V. Grebenshchikov, N. Shveikin, J. Brunnemann, A. Hilscher .
ББК 60.721.11
ББК 60.73 (2) 5 ю13
Copy source: RNB
Location on map of originals: RNB
Publisher паровая типо-литография Н. Л. Ныркина
Catalogue object