Mandatory sanitary regulations for the county-level population of the Vladimir province

    Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Assembly.
Mandatory sanitary regulations for the county-level population of the Vladimir province / comp. Vladimir. lips. zemsky collective. - Vladimir: Typo-lithograph of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Board, 1909. -12 p. ; 22. -
Without tit. l. and region
1. Sanitary regulations - Vladimir province. 2. Populated places - Sanitary and hygienic requirements - Vladimir province.
ББК 51.21
ББК 63.3 (28-8Вла) 5-75
ББК 51.21
The source of the electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB

An original storage: Владимирская УУНБ
Publisher Типо-литография Владимирской губернской земской управы
Catalogue object