Essay on the history of the Naval Cadet Corps with the list of pupils for 100 years

  Veselago, Feodosiy Fedorovich  (1817-1895).    
Essay on the history of the Naval Cadet Corps with the list of pupils for 100 years / comp. F. Veselago. - St.Petersburg: To type. Mor. cadet. Corps, 1852. - [2], 208, [2], 144, II p., 26 h. color. yl. : color. yl. ; 25 centimeters .
ББК 63.3 (2) 51-35
ББК 63.3 (2) 52-35
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher В тип. Мор. кадет. корпуса
Catalogue object