Essays on the history of Russian culture. Part 2. Church and school

  Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich  (1859-1943).    
Essays on the history of Russian culture / P. Milyukov  .- St. Petersburg: Ed. journal. "The Peace of God", 1904-1916  .- 24 cm
Part 2: Church and school: (faith, creativity, education) .- 5 th ed. 1916 .- 399, VIII, [2] c., [2] l. yl. .- Bibliograf. in a substring. note. .
1. church and school 2. church and education 3. religion and school
ББК Т3 (2) 0-7,02
ББК Э372.24-117.3,0
ББК 63.3 (2) -7
Source: RSL
Publisher издание Ред. журн. "Мир Божий"