Memorable book of the Irkutsk province .... for 1887

Memorable book of Irkutsk province .... - Irkutsk: Irkut. lips. stat. com. , 1865-1916
For the year 1887. - A type. AA Sizykh, 1897. -260 p. Sec. pag. : tab. + 1 liter. pl. -
Ex. def .: in the department. № 2 no с .: 67-68, 118-119, in the department. No. 3 No. с .: 22-23.
Прил .: Plan of the city of Ikutsk (copied from the atlas of 1728).
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Officials - Lists - Irkutsk Province. 3. Irkutsk Province - Directories. 4. Memorable books.
BBK 63.3 (28-8 Irk) 52y23
BBK 63.3 (28-8Irk) 53я23
Source of electronic copy: Irkutsk OGUNB
Location on
Irkutsk OGUNB
Publisher Тип. А. А. Сизых
Catalogue object