The guy from our city

A guy from our city: [Alexander Pokryshkin: video recording] / West Siberian Film Studio; The film was worked on: G. Sedov, S. Sorokvashina. I. Tirsky, I. Sitnikov, S. Gasparyan, V. Chelbaev, V. Serov, A. Konstantinova. - Multimedia. electron. ed. - [Novosibirsk]: West Siberian Film Studio, 1998. - 1 video (10 min 26 s): ch.-b., sound .. - (Siberia on the screen, 1998, issue 2). - NGO "Sibselmash", the museum of AI Pokryshkin .
1. Pokryshkin, Alexander Ivanovich (1913 - 1985). 2. The Great Patriotic War - Heroes of the Soviet Union - 1941 - 1945. 3. Air Force - History - USSR - 1941 - 1945. 4. Historical documentary.
BBC 63.3 (2) 6-8Pokryshkin, A.I.
ББК 85.373 (2) я04
BBK 68.52-1Pokryshkin, A.I.
The film tells about the life of Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin.
Electronic copy source: Novosibirskaya GONB
Location on

Novosibirsk GONB
Publisher Западно-сибирская киностудия
Catalogue object