Prospects for railway construction in Siberia

Pavlunovsky, Ivan Petrovich (1888-1937).    
Prospects of railway construction in Siberia [Text: electronic resource]: (economic approaches to the construction plan for servicing Siberia by rail) / [Uvolnarkomput of the Siberian railways. dor. Pavlunovsky]. - Electronic data (18 files: 11.47 MB). - (Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library, 2015). -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Presidential Library named after B.N. ... Yeltsin
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document is an electronic copy of the original: Prospects for the construction of the railway in Siberia (economic approaches to the maintenance of the construction according to plan Siberian railways) / [Upolnarkomput Siberian des . dor. Pavlunovsky. Novonikolayevsk: SovSiber, 1925]. 17, [1] c. Location: Novosibirsk GONB.
1. History of Novosibirsk (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. West-Siberian Railway (collection). 5. Railways - Construction - Siberia. 6. Rail transport - Economic efficiency - Siberia.
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ББК 65.372-03 (253)
ББК 63.3 (253) 613-202
Electronic copy source: Novosibirsk GONB
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Novosibirsk GONB
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