The collection of programs of political parties in Russia

Collection of programs of political parties in Russia: democratic parties / Provisional Committee of the State Duma. № 24. - Petrograd: The liberated Russia, 1917. - 56 p. ; 21 cm. -
Content: The program of the party of people's freedom; Labor Party; Party of People's Socialists; Party of Socialist-Revolutionaries; Social Democratic Party.
I. Russia. The State Duma. The Provisional Committee.1. Power (collection). 2. Electoral system in Russia: history and modernity (collection). 3. Political parties - Programs - Russia.
BBK 66.69 (2), 0y45
BBK 63.3 (2) 63-5y45
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher Освобожденная Россия
Catalogue object