Legend of the siege of the Troitsky Sergius Monastery from the Poles and Lithuania; and about the later rebellions in Russia, co...

  Abraham  (Palitsyn Averky Ivanovich, Hieromonk Trinity-Sergius Lavra, mid-16th century-1626).     rus
Legend of the siege of the Troitsky Sergius Monastery from the Poles and Lithuania; and about the rebellions that were later in Russia, composed by the same Troitsky monastery by the clerk Avrami Palitsyn. - Second edition .- Moscow: In the Synodal Printing House, 1822 .- [2], 1-270, 273-324 p. ; 8 ° (22 cm) see the previous edition. see SK XVIII, 44. The combined catalog of the Russian book of 1801-1825. ; On with. 324: The price is in tet. rub. cop. .
ББК Т3 (2) 45-452.1,012
ББК 63.3 (2) 44-681ю12
Source: RSL
Publisher В Синодальной типографии