Words and conversations delivered to the Kursk flock by Iliodor, Archbishop of Kursk and Belogradsky

Iliodor (Chistyakov, Ivan Borisovich, Archbishop of Kursk and Belgorod, 1792-1861).    
Words and conversations delivered to the Kursk flock by Iliodor, Archbishop of Kursk and Belogradsky. - Edition 2, with the addition of Sunday talks. - St. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Expedition for the preparation of state securities, 1844. - [4], IV, 331 p. ; 21 centimeters .
1. Kursk Diocese - History. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Kursk region: pages of history (collection). 4. Church Orthodox sermons.
ББК 86.372.24-43я44
ББК 63.3 (28-8Кус) 521-37я44
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher В типографии Экспедиции заготовления государственных бумаг
Catalogue object