Dictionary of memorable people of the Russian land, which contains the life and deeds of famous generals, ministers and husbands...

Bantysh-Kamensky, Dmitry N.    
Dictionary of memorable people of the Russian land, which contains the life and deeds of the famous generals, ministers and husbands of state, great hierarchs of the Orthodox Church, excellent writers and scholars, known for participating in the events of Russian history: at 5 o'clock / D.N. Bantysh-Kamensky ; was published by A. Shiryaev. - M.: [b. and.], 1836 -
Part 5: C - [Fita]. - M.: University type., 1836.-395, VII p. -
Bibliograf. in the text.
1. Russia - History - Outstanding figures.
Source of the electronic copy: The Tyumen BSS
Publisher Университетская тип.