Compositions of N. N. Zlatovratsky. T. 1. Stories, essays and stories from the people's life

  Zlatovratsky, Nikolay Nikolaevich  (1845-1911).    
Works by NN Zlatovratsky: [in 3 volumes] / NN Zlatovratsky . - Moscow: Tipo-lit. IN Kushneryov and Co., 1897
T. 1: Stories, essays and stories from the people's life. - 353 with. : ill. .
1. Russian prose - 19th century ..
ББК 84 (2Рос = Рус) 1-44
The source of electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB
The original storage: Владимирская ОУНБ
Publisher Типо-лит. т-ва И. Н. Кушнерев и К
Catalogue object