Index of the content of the unofficial part of the "Vladimir Provincial Gazette" from 1838 to 1900 inclusive and the "Vladimir D...

  Smirnov, Alexander Vasilyevich  (1854-1918).    
Index of the content of the unofficial part of the "Vladimir Gubernia Gazette" from 1838 to 1900 inclusive and "Vladimir Diocesan Gazette" from 1865 to 1900 inclusive / comp. A.V. Smirnov, D.Ch. Vladimir. scientist. arch. commis., Rus. bibliographies. Islands in St. Petersburg. and Rus. bibliograms. Islands at the Imp. Moscow. un-te. - Vladimir: Typo-lithography of the Provincial Government, 1902. - XVI, 561, [3] p., 63 h. portraiture. .
1. Vladimir Provincial Gazette (1838 - 1917) - Indicators of the content - 1838 - 1900. 2. Vladimir diocesan statements - Indexes of the content - 1865 - 1900. 3. Vladimir gubernskie vedomosti. 4. Vladimir diocesan statements.
ББК 76.02
ББК 63.3 (28-8Вла) 53я1
The source of electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB
The original storage: Владимирская ОУНБ
Publisher Типо-литография Губернского правления
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