Kuban antiquities

Felitsyn, Yevgeny Dmitrievich (1848-1903).    
Kuban antiquities: Dolmen-heroic houses of the village of Bagovskaya Maikop. (in the audience of the Polytechnical Museum) / E.D. (in the lecture hall of the Polytechnic Museum), at the meeting of the Antropole Committee of the exhibition of the lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography, which is held at the Moscow University. Felitsyn. - Ekaterinodar: type. Kubansk. reg. 1879. - 28 pp. ; 16. -
At the end of the text aut .: E.D. Felitsyn, authorized. in the Cuban. region, member. Com. Anthropole. exhibition.
Perepeach. from 31 volumes "Izv.Ova lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography, consisting of the Moscow University" and was placed in the "Kuban region." No.№ 21, 22 and 24 for the year 1879
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The place where the original is stored: 801-85 / 16258-7; U 281/2029
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