Lotsiya or the Maritime guide .. Part 1. Containing the description of the foragers and entrances to the ports in the Gulf of Fi...

Nagaev, Alexey Ivanovich (1704-1781).    
Lotsiya or the Sea guide. / Sochinen by the decree of the State Admiralty College, in 1751, the fleet captain Alexei Nagaev. - [Sankt Petersburg]: Type. Mor. gentry. cadet. Corps, 1789-1790. - 8. -
First full-strength. navigation-hydrograph. Description Балт. of the sea.
1. The Gulf of Finland - Lotsia - 18 in ..
BBK 26.17 (2)
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Part 1: Contains a description of the forks and entrances to the ports in the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea, Zunde and Skagerrak located. - 1789. - [2], 24, 350 s. .
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher Тип. Мор. шляхет. кадет. корпуса