The scientific dynasties of Polish professors and teachers at the Kazan University

Gatilova, Anastasia Vladimirovna (candidate of historical sciences).    
Scientific dynasties of Polish professors and teachers at the University of Kazan: (XIX-beginning of XX centuries): the dissertation author's abstract on the competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.02 / Gatilova Anastasiya Vladimirovna; [Kazan. (Privolzh.) Feder. un-t]. - Kazan, 2012. - 23 with. ; 21 cm. -
Location of protection: Kazan. (Privolzh.) Feder. un-t. - List of works avt .: p. 23 (6 names). - Bibliograf. in a substring. note.
. - 100 copies. .
1. Kazan Imperial University - Professors and teachers - Abstracts of dissertations. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Tatarstan, Republic (collection). 4. Russian history. 5. Pedagogical dynasties - Kazan province - Abstracts of dissertations.
BBK 63.3 (2Poss.Tat) 5-8я031
BBK 74.03 (2Poss.Tat) 5я031
BBK 74.484.7я031
Source of electronic copy: KFU. Website
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