Climate and life

Berg, Lev Semenovich (1876-1950).    
Climate and Life / LS Berg. - Moscow: State Publishing House, 1922. -196 s .. -
Bibliography in the notes in the text. - Index of the main literature on climate fluctuations in historical time: p. 190-192. - Index of authors: p. 193-196. - A copy of the RCP with a stamp: The library of the Rumyantsev Museum.
. -2,000 copies. .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 3. Climate - Changes - Influence on nature. 4. Lake Baikal, the lake (Siberia South-East) - Hydrobiology.
BBK 26.237
BBK 26.89 (253.57.23 Baikal)
Electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: RCP
Publisher Государственное издательство
Catalogue object