Dynamics of the Presidency Institute in the Russian Federation in the Current Challenges

Grishaeva, Olga Nikolaevna (candidate of political sciences).    
Dynamics of the presidency in the Russian Federation in the conditions of modern challenges: thesis abstract for the degree of candidate of political science: specialty 23.00.02 / Grishaeva Olga Nikolaevna; [Moscow time. humanitarian. un-t]. - Moscow, 2015. -19 with .. -
The place of protection: Moscow. humanitarian. un-t. - List of works avt .: p. 17-19 (15 names). - As a manuscript.
. -100 copies. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Institute of the Presidency (collection). 3. Political institutions, processes and technologies. 4. Presidency - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations.
ББК 67.400.612я031
ББК 66.033.112я031
Source of electronic copy: Moscow State University. Website
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