Notes of the Society for the Study of the Amur Region, Vladivostok Branch of the Priamursky Department of the Imperial Russian G...

    Society for the Study of the Amur Region (Vladivostok).
Notes of the Society for the Study of the Amur Region, Vladivostok Branch of the Priamursky Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. - T. 6 (1897) - T. 17 (1922). -Vladivostok, 1897-1922. -
Titles: T. 1 (1888) - 4 (1894), 8 (1902-1903) Notes of the Society for the Study of the Amur Region; Т. 5 (1896) Notes of the Society for the Study of the Amur Region (Branch Office of the Priamursky Department of the Russian Geographical Society); T. 1 (18) (1928) - 5 (22) (1930) Notes of the Vladivostok department of the State Russian Geographical Society (Society for the Study of the Amur Region); T. 6 (23) (1936) Notes; T. 1 (24) (1965) - 27 (1968) Notes of the Primorsky branch of the Geographical Society of the USSR.
I. Russian Geographical Society. Priamursky department. Vladivostok Branch. Society for the Study of the Amur Region (Vladivostok) - Periodicals. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Amur Region (collection). 4. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 5. Amur Region - Geography - Periodicals. 6. The Amur Region - History - Periodicals. 7. Priamurye - Geography - Periodicals. 8. Priamurye - History - Periodicals.
ББК 26.89 (285.53) я54
ББК 63.3 (285.53) я54
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: Russian Geographical Society
T. 2: Anadyr Region: a manuscript of the inhabitant of the village of Markov G. Dyachkova / with a foreword by Mr. F. F. Busse. - Printing house of the Siberian Fleet Crew, 1893. - [1], XXVIII, 158 pp., [1] l. yl. : tab. .
I. Busse, Fedor Fedorovich (1838-1897). II. Dyachkov, G. 1. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Territory of Russia: Chukotka Autonomous District (collection). 5. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 6. Anadyr, city (Chukotka Autonomous District) - History - Periodicals. 7. Russia - History - Far East - North - Periodicals.
BBK 63.3 (285.51) 52y52
BBK 26.89 (285.51) I52
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the book: Russian Geographical Society
Publisher Типография Сибирского флотского экипажа
Catalogue object