Annals on the Ipatian list

      The Tale of Bygone Years.
Annals on the Ipatian list / [edited by SN Palauzov]. - St.Petersburg: Publication of the Archaeographic Commission, 1871.-IX, 616, 33, 28, 12 p. ; 25 cm. -
The editor is listed in the preface.
Bibliography in the footnotes. - A copy of St. Petersburg State University from the library of EE Zamyslovsky.
I. Palauzov, Spiridon Nikolaevich (1818-1872). II. The Imperial Archaeographic Commission (St. Petersburg) .1. The people (the collection). 2. Archeographic Commission (collection). 3. Ipatiev Chronicle.
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Publisher издание Археографической комиссии
Catalogue object